We love you Baltimore and thank you for 7 amazing years of making tintype photographs together. It's bittersweet, but Jay and his family have moved to Minnesota to be close to their family. Reach out if you are passing through the midwest and want a portrait! Not setup here yet, but hope to be soon.
If you are looking for tintypes around Baltimore and beyond, here are some great people nearby to have a look at:
Marie Jane Machin (aka PentaxJane) - if you've been to our pop-ups, you definitely know her and that she rocks.
Lisa Elmaleh - the best. she taught Jay the process and rules. Lisa is in West Virginia but passes through Baltimore and other areas nearby all the time.
Elena Volkova - Powerful photographer and superb person. Makes some real nice tintype portraits.
Em White - down in Richmond, VA doing amazing work. Highly recommend.